Five Ways to Use Extra Juice

A while back, we juiced a watermelon that was given to us. Out of one watermelon we got 1 ½ gallons of juice. We drank it for a couple of days, but since we don’t drink a lot of fruit juice to begin with, it was quite a lot for the four of us. We started thinking of ways to use it up or preserve it. While not all of these may work with all juices, here are some ways that you might be able to use your extra juice:

  1. Mix it in a smoothie – Fruit juice smoothies are refreshing and can be a good way to use up juice and get extra protein in your diet.
  2. Make a mixed drink or add to punch – Many juices can be made into mixed drinks or added to a non-alcoholic punch that everyone can enjoy.
  3. Blend with other juices for a juice cocktail – If you are just getting bored with plain juice, try blending it with other juices or add to lemonade to create a different flavor.
  4. Freeze as ice cubes – Pour it into ice cube trays to put in your juice, punch, lemonade, sangria, or mixed drinks down the road. This will add flavor and chill your drink without it getting watered down!
  5. Can for long-term storage – Depending on the juice you have, if you have a lot of it left over, you may be able to can it for later use. It is always nice to have shelf stable drinks in the pantry. This works for apple, grape, cranberry, pineapple, and more. Check with a Ball Blue Book for fruit juices to can.

What did we do with our watermelon juice besides drink it plain? Our eldest son made us watermelon margaritas and we froze the rest in cubes for future drinks. 

Here are two articles on our website where you can read about canning juices:

Canning Fruit Juice lists different ways to can juice, different juices to can, and ways to use your canned juice.

Our Experience Canning Cranberry Juice documents our experience trying out an Instagram recipe we found for making cranberry juice.

Canned Pineapple Juice
(including the fruit pulp)


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