What's Growing in the Garden - Late Summer Edition
We posted an early spring edition about the garden, but have not updated since. We are now at the end of our growing season. We had a variety of plants in the garden, some of which did well, others which did not. We will just hit a few of the highlights below: Here is our 2024 garden update. Garden History Over the past three years, we have struggled getting our plants to grow vigorously. We think the problem is a combination of soil issues (even though we got soil specially made for raised beds) and the amount of shade we have on the property. We have been working on soil amendment and have seen incremental improvements in the garden each year, which has been very encouraging. Ground Cherries We had one plant produce fruits. It was just enough to have a taste every few days towards the end of summer. Four other plants grew taller and fuller than the one in the photo below, but none of them produced any fruit. Ground Cherries with Carrots in the Background Tomatoes It has been a strugg