
Making Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix

We love hot cocoa and we love a good hot cocoa mix. We use it for cocoa and for adding to our coffee when we want a special treat. Like with most things, it has become harder and harder to find a healthy hot cocoa mix that is affordable. We were buying a brand for a while that was decent, but the price kept getting steeper.  We tried making our own hot cocoa mix years ago, but the recipe I had called for powdered coffee creamer. Powdered creamer usually has terrible ingredients. I tried it anyway, and it was not good. I love chocolate and even I didn't like the homemade mix. With the cooler weather upon us, we decided it was time to find a healthier hot cocoa mix recipe that tastes good. I found several online that call for powdered milk rather than powdered creamer. I saved four recipes and picked one to try. We mixed up a batch and gave it a try. It was okay, but we found it lacking in chocolate flavor. We added a bit more cocoa and tried it again. It was better, but I felt like

Project Updates - End of Summer

It has been a while since we have updated on projects in our household. Here are a few things we have been up to since the last update in July: Canning Dill pickles Dilly beans Dill relish Peaches Pears Victoria sauce Peach pie jam Hawthorn berry jam Pinto beans Beef stew Apple pie filling Dehydrating  Greens for powdered greens Zucchini for zucchini flour Microgreens for soups Herbs for culinary use and tea Green bell peppers Freezing Peaches Applesauce Broth Green bell peppers Other Homestead Projects Refrigerator pickles Lacto-fermented pickles Baby quilt New Website Articles Using a Jar Vacuum Sealer Getting the Most Out of Your Root Vegetables Why Prepare? Your Vehicle Emergency Bag Cherry BBQ Sauce Recipe

What's Growing in the Garden - Late Summer Edition

We posted an early spring edition about the garden, but have not updated since. We are now at the end of our growing season. We had a variety of plants in the garden, some of which did well, others which did not. We will just hit a few of the highlights below: Here is our 2024 garden update. Garden History Over the past three years, we have struggled getting our plants to grow vigorously. We think the problem is a combination of soil issues (even though we got soil specially made for raised beds) and the amount of shade we have on the property. We have been working on soil amendment and have seen incremental improvements in the garden each year, which has been very encouraging. Ground Cherries We had one plant produce fruits. It was just enough to have a taste every few days towards the end of summer. Four other plants grew taller and fuller than the one in the photo below, but none of them produced any fruit. Ground Cherries with Carrots in the Background Tomatoes It has been a strugg

National Preparedness Month - Why Prepare?

September is National Preparedness Month. If you have not yet begun your preparedness journey, you might have a number of questions running through your mind. The biggest questions tend to be: Why should I prepare and for what should I prepare? This short article is designed to answer those basic questions. Reasons to prepare: Natural disasters are one of the most common occurrences for which people prepare. This includes things like floods, wildfires, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, snowstorms, etc. In situations such as these, access to services can be disrupted for days. Grocery stores and gas stations have been known to run low on supplies, electricity can be disrupted, and it may be difficult to leave your home. Are you equipped to deal with being at home potentially without power and access to food and water for several days? On the flip side, it may be necessary to leave your home. Do you have a place to go? Do you have a plan for what to take with you should you need to ev

Budget Stretching Ideas - Fruit

Getting the Most Out of Your Fruit When stretching your budget, it helps to think outside the box and put items you might normally toss to use. Instead of throwing away your apple cores, lemon rinds, banana peels, and strawberry hulls, use them to make something new! Here are some items you can make with those peels, rinds, and cores. Be sure to wash the fruit well before using to remove any dirt or impurities. If you are using non-organic produce, you will need to remove the wax coating from the fruit before using the peels and rinds. Here is a post that explains why you should remove the wax coating and how to safely remove it. Juice Strawberry tops (or hulls), peach peels, and apple peels (and cores) can all be simmered in water to make a light juice. This can then be turned into syrup, used in smoothies, or enjoyed straight. Just add your clean scraps to a pot. Pour enough water over them just to cover. Bring to a boil then reduce immediately to a simmer. Let simmer for 20-30 minut